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5 Ways to Improve Sperm Health for Fertility

My husband and I started trying to conceive in 2014 and after nearly a year of no success, we followed up with my OB to evaluate any possible issues.

One of the first tests they had us do was a sperm analysis on my husband. (Those are always fun hehe!) And his results showed that one of his numbers was below normal, making it impossible for us to conceive naturally, telling us our only option was IVF.

At this time, we were brand-new to learning about anything fertility related and decided to take a step back, do our own research, and then decide the right path for us.

Through our research we learned a ton of information on how to support and improve sperm quality such as dietary changes, lifestyle changes, stress management, supplements, and environmental exposures. Over time, my husband (as well as myself) began to put those changes into action!

Spoiler alert! The changes he made not only improved his overall sperm quality, but actually led him to receive an "A+" grading on his most recent sperm analysis from our fertility doctor. She even emphasized that her embryologists NEVER gives out "A+" ratings! WOOT WOOT!

So, what changes did he make?!? Let's break it down!

But first, we need to discuss the basics of sperm health!

Did you know sperm develop every 72-90 days? By the time a sperm is released from the body, it was "in production" for the last 2.5-3 months. While women are born with all the eggs she will ever have in her lifetime, the greater majority of men have an endless supply of sperm up until the day they die.

Just like egg quality, sperm quality depends on several factors including nutrition, environmental toxins, stress management, and environmental exposures. And, unless there is a genetic or physiological roadblock, men can change their sperm quality with nutritional and lifestyle changes. My husband, along with studies and research are living proof!

It's also important to note that roughly 50% of infertility cases are due to poor sperm quality. Often times the burden of infertility lands solely on the woman, yet sperm is 50% of the creation of a baby so healthy sperm is JUST as important as healthy eggs!

Now, I can sit here and break down each individual nutrient from Zinc to Vitamin C to essential fatty acids and explain why each of these are important for sperm health and quality, but lets face it, it can be really challenging trying to track each micronutrient! Instead, I prefer to recommend actual food groups because it is much easier to implement and put into action than worrying about mg and daily % (unless specifically recommended by your doctor or RD)!

1. Take a daily, high quality multivitamin that supports sperm health!

Let me start by saying that you cannot out supplement a bad diet! Supplements are really only as good as the foundational diet! However, due to poor soil quality and limited access to high quality foods 24/7, supplements are a great way to "fill in the blanks" so to speak. You can also think of supplements as a sort of insurance policy!

While my husband made some significant diet and lifestyle changes (which we will cover shortly) and we were starting to see his quality improve, I strongly believe him starting the Beli Men Vitality Multivitamin is what really pushed those little sperm to honor-roll level! It was about 2-3 months after starting this supplement that he received his very first "A+" grading!

Beli Men Vitality Multuvitamin is essentially a prenatal vitamin for men! It is geared towards helping to improve sperm quality and health with its powerful nutrients!

Some additional benefits include:

  • Increase sperm count

  • Protect sperm while they grow

  • Improve sperm quality

  • Improve egg penetration

  • Balance acid-alkaline in the body to help sperm survive and work properly

  • Boost energy

  • Improve cellular health

I highly recommend your significant other to start taking this supplement 3-6 months before starting your conception journey, or if you're in the middle of trying, have him start it right away!

If you're interested is giving this a try, you can use discount code NICHOL15 at checkout for 15% off your purchase! Click HERE to order!

2. Eat a nutrient rich, whole food diet 80% of the time!

It is really important to eat a diet that primarily consists of whole, natural foods that come from the environment. This means eating foods as you would find in nature versus what is made in a factory. This includes high quality meat, fish and poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables (more vegetables than fruit!), high quality fat such as grass fed butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, etc. Even trying to consume starches/carbs that come from nature such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice versus bread and pasta.

Notice I said 80% of the time and not 100% of the time! Eating perfect is nearly impossible, so do not set your significant other up for failure with those types of expectations. Start slow and gradually increase the amount of whole, nutrient dense foods. By increasing more of these types of foods, he will naturally begin to crowd out processed foods that have almost 0 nutritional value!

Any research you have done on improving egg quality/health, the same goes for sperm quality/health! For a more comprehensive guide on what your meals should look like and consist of, get my FREE guide "Feed Your Fertility" here!

3. Eliminate processed sugar and replace with fresh, organic berries and cherries!

High sugar consumption is linked to the greater majority of health issues including issues with fertility - for both men and women! It's hard to give up! I get it! It's addicting and tastes soooo good! But high quantities are wreaking havoc on your/his body, eggs and sperm. Allow yourself a special treat on special occasions or when you are REALLY craving it, otherwise, switch your sweet tooth over to some fresh, organic berries and cherries!

Why berries and cherries?! Because they are loaded with lots of natural antioxidants, anti-inflammatory phytonutrients, as well as high in folate and vitamin C! All important for healthy sperm and for a healthy baby! With their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, they help to prevent damage of the sperm and protect the healthy ones! Plus they are super yummy! Sounds like a win win to me :)

4. Exercise regularly!

We all know how important regular exercise is for overall health, so we can imagine that it will be an important part of improving sperm health and quality! Exercise will naturally help him detox, increase blood flow, improve energy, keep his heart healthy and strong, and boosts sperm!

There was a study done in 2014 that found that "Among men presenting for infertility treatment, weightlifting and outdoor activities were associated with higher sperm concentrations". You can read more on the study here.

5. Beware of environmental exposures!

More and more light is being shed on environmental toxins and it's impact on our health. More importantly, it's impact on our endocrine system (hormonal system) - again, for both men and women. And unless you're a chemist, reading chemicals on the backs of products is confusing and is basically trying to decipher a foreign language.

However, one of the easiest and best resources for eliminating toxins is through the use of the app! This was a complete game changer for us! For things like shampoo, conditioner, face wash, body wash, lotion etc (basically any product used on a daily basis) EWG (Environmental Working Group) can provide you with non-toxic or less toxic alternatives!

Download the app through your App Store and inside the app there is a bar code scanner where you can simply scan the barcode and it will rate it as to whether or not that product is safe to use! I highly recommend switching to products that are green ("EWG Verified, 1-2) or at the very least, products highest on the yellow scale (3-6). Do you best to avoid any products in red (7-10) which are going to be the most toxic products for your system.

With that being said, you do not need to change over all your products at once (unless you really want to). Instead, when you run out of a product, find an alternative and replace it one product at a time.

I hope that was helpful and informative! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly at

Additional Resources:

If you or someone you know is struggling with infertility, please check out my two infertility support programs: The Pineapple Program and Lotus in Bloom

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