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Sonia M.

I’ve been working with this lovely lady for about 3-4 months now and it’s been a COMPLETE game changer. 

Ever since I was 17 years old I have dealt with debilitating cramps due to my menstrual cycle. On day one of my periods, I would have to cancel work visits and stay laying down in the fetal position due to the pain; I even would spend my time sitting on the toilet “pushing” like I was giving birth. It’s not a fun experience and this would happen EVERY month. 

Fast forward to 25 years old and trying every diet in the book (I must add that I would never get on birth control because I don’t believe in suppressing something that God designed us women to do naturally). 


I met Nichol through our CrossFit gym and she became a close friend in my life. She began studying women’s health and sharing her knowledge with others.


She would post Instagram and Facebook messages about painful periods being abnormal. I couldn’t agree more and was nervous that my abnormal periods would be the cause of infertility or other health issues in the future, so I wanted to work with her.


LET ME PREACH SOMETHING FOR A MINUTE....getting the information Nichol gave me didn’t only save me the painful days every month but now I truly understand my body. WHAT? A women understanding her own body? Sounds crazy right? 

She made it super simple too. We would have hour long sessions (sometimes longer because we can talk each other’s ears off) that included mind blowing information about tracking your monthly cycle appropriately.


She would also recommend the proper products and where to buy them. I’d also receive an email with all the information we talked about and some goals to set until our next meeting. It was so simple to change my menstrual cycle with how she structured our meetings.

Not only have her protocols caused me to EAT MORE and MAINTAIN my weight, but it’s caused me to understand my “mood swings” and embrace them. When I started to understand that certain times of the month caused you to be more cheerful then others, or more drowsy then others, I was able to finally allow myself to rest. I not only began to rest more physically but mentally. 

Ladies! If you have struggled with painful/abnormal periods or you’re tired of being called “crazy,” it’s time to work with Nichol. 

I can say that I no longer take 1600 mg of ibuprofen on day one of my period anymore and I am almost completely asymptomatic, but now I am also confident in my moods. I can stop second guessing myself, that in itself is BEAUTIFUL.

Thank you Nichol for being an AMAZING friend and for this life changing information. 💕🙏

- Sonia M.

        September, 2019

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